Definition of Hurdle Rate

Financial Terms Beginning with H

What is a Hurdle Rate

The hurdle rate serves as the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment or project that would make it attractive for an investor. This important rate, also known as the required rate of return, sets a baseline for the lowest amount of profit or benefits that would justify the cost and risk of the investment.

Role in Capital Budgeting

When considering investment opportunities, the hurdle rate frequently plays a pivotal role in capital budgeting and project appraisal. In simple terms, it operates as a benchmark for the expected rate of return. If the estimated rate of return on a project or investment surpasses the hurdle rate, it is generally viewed as a feasible investment and gains approval. However, if the estimated rate of return falls short of the hurdle rate, the potential investment is typically discarded.

How is the Hurdle Rate Determined

The process of determining the hurdle rate entails a comprehensive analysis of the cost of capital, incorporating both the cost of debt and the cost of equity. The inherent risk of the project also substantially influences the hurdle rate, with riskier ventures demanding a higher hurdle rate.

In addition, external factors can also shape the hurdle rate. This would include the broader economic climate and the presence of viable investment alternatives. For instance, if the economy is doing well and there are many lucrative investment opportunities available, investors may set a higher hurdle rate. Conversely, if the economy is struggling and good investment opportunities are scarce, the hurdle rate might be set lower to encourage more investment.

Final Thoughts on Hurdle Rate

In summary, the hurdle rate constitutes a critical instrument in financial decision making. By establishing a benchmark for the required rate of return on a project or an investment, it helps investors and corporations in deciding whether a specific investment opportunity is worth pursuing.

Glossary of Terms and Phrases

A financial dictionary or glossary is an essential tool to better understand the meaning of a specialized term or phrase. It would obviously make life much easier if everyone spoke the same language and used the same financial terms and phrases but that is not realistic.

We learn new languages to communicate with each other, transact business globally and to appreciate other cultures. Global finance is a specialized language that if understood and mastered, it will provide benefits that help to decrease risk and improve investment returns. Financial literacy is the foundation of developing good investment strategies and sound decision making.

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Capital Market

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Equity Risk

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